Tyler Irwin
2 min readFeb 26, 2021


To my liberal friends,

I have noticed that the political discourse on Facebook has become deafeningly silent as well as bewilderingly and naively optimistic where stagnation hasn’t occurred.

The broad American center-left has adopted the “back to brunch” mentality of the coastal liberal elite. So I must remind you, Trump being absent from the White House is not a type of magical event that has abolished everything that is and has been broken in this country.

You were promised a pause on drilling permits to reduce further climate damage. However, the DOI has since revoked up to 70 invalid drilling permits issued by our new presidential administration.

You were promised “no more kids in cages” and no more ICE raids on migrants. As of now, ICE has been allowed to continue carrying out raids, taking anyone into custody who has crossed into the United States as late as November 2020. In addition to this, the current presidential administration has approved the reopening of holding facilities for migrant children, furthering child separation.

Right after the inauguration, everyone celebrated an executive order ending private prison contracts. Well, you popped the Don Perignon cork far too soon, failing to read the fine print. The executive order to ban private prison contracts excludes all contracts held by the Department of Homeland security which holds a majority of U.S private contacts, including about 50% of migrant holding facilities.

From promised but undelivered checks to a silence surrounding the current labor revolution happening at Amazon, and what has been listed above, my contentions with our administration's activity or lack thereof (in some cases) can fill an entire bible worth of pages.

I was told Joe Biden isn’t a perfect man but we should still toss our votes to him because he is better than Trump. A statement with which I agree.

But rather than letting our elected officials run free from the critique of their electors, by virtue of their less offensive qualities when compared with our last president, I propose you all uphold your responsibilities as citizens of this country and maintain the critical eye that you’ve calibrated during the Trump administration.

A level of noise must be maintained to check those in power and to ensure that those you’ve elected act in such a manner that they work to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare of the people, and secure the blessings of liberty for everyone.

I hope reading this has offered you nourishment for great consideration and that this message has found you in good health and well-being.

With hope,


